Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Atomic Model (Part 4: The Rutherford's Atomic Model)

A few years later after Thomson put forward his theory, then his student named Ernest Rutherford along with Geiger and Marsden carried out an experiment by shooting the alpha (α) on a thin gold plate to prove the Thomson's atomic theory. Based on the result of the experiment, Rutherford proposed an atomic theory or model as follow.

Atomic Model (Part 3: The Thomson's Atomic Model)

After decades of Dalton put forward his theory of the call with the Doubled Multiple Law, the theory of the atom is growing by leaps and bounds. Since the discovery of electron as an elementary particle wich is negatively charged, the validity of Dalton's atomic theory began to be questionable. In 1899, a British phisicist, Sir Joseph Thomson, proposed an atomic model caled Raisin Plum Pudding Model. Thomson described atom as a positively charge sphere containing several negatively charged particle called electron. The electrons are scattered in the sphere like raisin in a plum pudding. 

Atomic Model (Part 2: The Dalton's Atomic Model)

Before you study this chapter, make sure you have read about how Democritus argued for the first time about the model of the atom. if not, can click here.

 After centuries of theories concerning the atomic model proposed by Democritus abandoned, then in the early 19-th century (1808), a British chemist and physicist, John Dalton studied thotoughly how different element, such as hydrogen and oxigen, could combin to form another substance, e.g. water. In his book A New System of Chemical Philosophy, Dalton made two assertions about atoms, ei:
  •  Atoms of each element are all indentical to another, butdifferent from theatoms of all other element.
  •  Atom of different element can combine to form more complex substance.